Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Albrecht Durer, 1508

Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer, 1521

Drapery Study, Leonardo Da Vinci

Boltraffio Giovanni, 1490

Wrapping studies, Leonardo Da Vinci

Bartolemeo Drapery

Albrecht Durer, 1508

Monday, July 14, 2014

Gesture Drawing

Study of Woman and Faun, 1906, Cezanne 


Reading Madonna and Child, Rembrandt

The Eyes of Omega, 1908-1909  Edvard Munch

Salome, 1903, Edvard Munch

The Sick Child (Study), Edvard Munch

Mother and Child studies, Raphael

Jesus and the Adultress, Rembrandt

Sketch after Puget, "Milo of Croton", 1893 - 1906, Cezanne

The Boy, 1885, James McNeill Whistler

Study for 'The Life Line',  1884, Winslow Homer 

Peasant Woman Kneeling, Van Gogh

The Sower, 1888, Van Gogh

Ink Blot Landscape, 1785, Alexander Cozens 

Drawing, the thinking hand, a film by Judith Weschler